Sunday, February 11, 2024

Seoul Before Sunrise

Seoul Before Sunrise is French cartoonist Samir Dahmani's first graphic novel to be translated into English. It is scheduled for publication by Humanoids on May 21, 2024. Thanks to Net Galley I received an advanced review copy of it. The book follows a young woman who sparks an unlikely friendship with a stranger and begins walking the streets of Seoul with her at night.

The publisher's summary:

Longtime friends Seong-ji and Ji-won are excited to begin university in Seoul, swearing to stay close in the big city, but from the moment they arrive, they begin to drift apart.

Her focus split between her rigorous accounting program and her overnight job at a grocery store, Seong-ji tries to make peace with the loss. It’s during her overnight shifts that she encounters an enigmatic young woman who spends her nights entering the empty homes of other people to paint and photograph these places. Now, the normally rational Seong-ji finds herself swept up in a dreamlike otherworld, made up of freedom and creativity. As she explores these quiet places, she uncovers not only an intimate portrait of strangers, but perhaps even herself.

But as the nocturnal walks reveal the possibilities of the future, they also force her to relive the pain of her lost friendship with Ji-won…

This is a coming-of-age story where Seong-Ji eventually discovers that she is in love with her childhood friend Ji-won. When she finally tells Ji-won of her feelings, Ji-won is horrified and immediately ends their friendship. However, Seong-Ji has found a new friend in the stranger, a ghost, who befriended her at the store she works at. The ghost helps Seong-Ji see life more clearly through the lens of that liminal space between the end of the night but before the sun rises.

Seoul Before Sunrise is an emotional and sad story. I felt bad for Seong-ji as she waited day after day for contact from her childhood friend. She was an unhappy person due to the loss of this friendship. Seong-ji admitted to herself that she doesn't make friends easily and didn't have any other friends. She was lonely. When Ji-won finally contacts her 149 days after they arrived in Seoul, she is ecstatic. The story ends with the ghost entering the store looking for Seong-ji. However, she no longer was employed there because she was fired for leaving the premises
 during her shift. It's a sad ending but realistic. The artwork was done in watercolor by the author. One of his paintings was selected for the book cover. He has a diffuse style that perfectly fits a story that takes place in Korea. 5 out of 5 stars.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Lunar New Year Love Story

I adore Gene Lien Yang's graphic novels. They are always comical and light reading even is the topic is serious. His novels are also clean reading, no sex or foul language. I was not aware of his newest title until last week and immediately bought a copy. It is fantastic! This one is about a couple who cannot get it together during their senior year of high school. There are a few magical creatures as characters as befitting a Chinese story.

The publisher's summary:  

She was destined for heartbreak. Then fate handed her love.

Val is ready to give up on love. It's led to nothing but secrets and heartbreak, and she's pretty sure she's cursed—no one in her family, for generations, has ever had any luck with love.

But then a chance encounter with a pair of cute lion dancers sparks something in Val. Is it real love? Could this be her chance to break the family curse? Or is she destined to live with a broken heart forever?

Yang gives us realistic characters. Valentina, or Val, grew up with just one parent, her father. When she finds out the he lied about her mother' death she stops speaking with him for almost a year. Val's best friend Bernice is also raised by a single parent, her mother. Bernice cannot stand to be without a boyfriend and within 24 hours of a break up she finds a new love. We all knew someone like that when we were growing up. Val is the complete opposite. The boys in the story are typical Chinese Americans while their parents live a very Chinese life in the U.  S. 

Another reason I enjoy Yang's novels is that they are the same length as a traditional novel. Lunar is approximately 350 pages. This allows him to create full formed characters and an extensive plot. The relationships among the kids in the story revolve around lion dancing. They are all taking a class on how to dance under a lion costume, as you would normally see at the Chinese new year and other special occasions. Val's relationships with two boys generally take place while they are sharing a costume to dance under. Val cannot decide which boy she really loves. A magical dragon has given her one year to find true love. If she fails then she must give the dragon her heart and foreswear future love interests. Val believes that her family will always be unlucky in love and is not sure that she can find true love.

The illustrations by Leuyen Pham are gorgeous. She has used primarily a red and pink color pallet to fit with Val's love of Valentine's Day. There are some panels colored in blues and greens but all the colors are bright as I like them. Her character's faces illuminate their emotions so when there is no dialogue in a panel strip, the reader knows how the characters are feeling. 

Lunar New Year Love Story is the perfect Valentine's Day story. It would make a great gift for both kids and adults who like comics.  I am rating it 5 out of 5 stars.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

We Hereby Refuse

We Hereby Refuse is a graphic novel about the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII. After the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, tens of thousands of Americans of Japanese descent were rounded up and placed in detention camps around the US. They lost their jobs, their businesses, and even their homes, not because of any crimes committed, but simply for their ethnic roots. Three characters are featured in the book. Jim Akutsu, Hiroshi Kashiwagi and Mitsuye Endo each embody a typical Japanese American experience during this time period.

Mitsuye Endo was a 21-year-old typist who lost her State of California job when she was ordered to report to the internment camp. A lawyer asked her to sue the government for causing her job loss. He recruited her because she seemed the ideal candidate at a time when everyone was scared of Japan. She did not speak Japanese and didn’t follow a Japanese religion like Buddhism or Shinto so didn’t believe that she could be threatening in any way. She even had a brother serving in the US army and she had also done everything the government had ordered her to. Her case eventually was heard by the U. S. Supreme Court, where she won.

Jim Akutso, who repeatedly tried to sign up for the Army but was refused because of flat feet. After he was imprisoned in a detention camp he was found out he’d been drafted, but now he refused. His reasoning was that if his country wasn’t willing to let him live freely, then he wasn’t going to fight to protest the freedoms he didn’t even have. He was convicted of dodging the draft and moved from the camp to a regular prison where he was given a sentence that extended past the end of the war.

Twenty yesr old Hiroshi Kashiwagi was waiting for his younger brother to graduate from high school so they could go to college together. Hiroshi was helping his parents on their fruit farm when the internment order came. He immediately registered for the draft but was soon dismayed to find out that the army changed his classification to IV-C, the category for enemy aliens. When army recruiters arrived at the Tule Lake Camp with a questionnaire to be completed, Hiroshi refused to agree to be drafted because of one question that required him to foreswear allegiance to Japan. He never had any allegiance to Japan and believed that to agree made him a criminal. He could be deported though for not completing the form. Hiroshi organized several resistance efforts at Tule Lake.

The graphic novel format helped to tell this story in an engaging and easy to read way. It immediately drew me into the dilemmas that these three characters faced. Chapters alternated between each of the characters and the illustration style was different for each of them, which helped me to follow the subplots easier. 

We Hereby Refuse is essential reading. Each of us should be familiar with this part of American history. 5 out of 5 stars. 

We Are Not Strangers

We Are Not Strangers was inspired by a true story. The plot of this graphic novel follows a Jewish immigrant’s efforts to help his Japanese neighbors while they are interned during World War II. I had never before heard about anyone ever trying to help the Japanese and am amazed, and thrilled, that someone was brave enough to help out. Author Josh Tuininga is the real life Marco Calvo in the story and his grandfather, nicknamed Papoo, is the hero.

The publisher's summary:

Marco Calvo always knew his grandfather, affectionately called Papoo, was a good man. After all, he was named for him. A first-generation Jewish immigrant, Papoo was hardworking, smart, and caring. When Papoo peacefully passes away, Marco expects the funeral to be simple. However, he is caught off guard by something unusual. Among his close family and friends are mourners he doesn’t recognize—Japanese American families—and no one is quite sure who they are or why they are at the service. How did these strangers know his grandfather so well?

Set in the multicultural Central District of Seattle during World War II and inspired by author Josh Tuininga’s family experiences, 
We Are Not Strangers
 explores a unique situation of Japanese and Jewish Americans living side by side in a country at war. Following Papoo’s perspective, we learn of his life as a Sephardic Jewish immigrant and his friendship with Sam Akiyama, a Japanese man whose life is upended by Executive Order 9066, which authorized the incarceration of nearly all Japanese Americans and residents of Japanese ancestry. Determined to keep Sam’s business afloat while he and his family are unjustly imprisoned, he and Papoo create a plan that will change the Akiyama’s lives forever.

The book is a page turner. It is well written, researched, and illustrated. The story opens with Papoo's 1987 funer­al in the Sephardic Bikur Holim Syn­a­gogue, where his grand­son is sur­prised by the pres­ence of sev­er­al Japan­ese Amer­i­can guests. Sub­se­quent chap­ters each begin with dates rang­ing from 1938 to 1945. Read­ers who are unfa­mil­iar with the dis­tinc­tive his­to­ry of Sephardic immi­grants to Amer­i­ca will learn how they were mar­gin­al­ized. Mar­co even­tu­al­ly devel­ops a suc­cess­ful busi­ness career while Sam Akiya­ma opens a fish mar­ket. Both have had to deal with prej­u­dice. Although Mar­co and his fam­i­ly are out­siders in terms of their reli­gion, cul­ture, and lan­guage, they are safe. The Akiya­ma fam­i­ly, on the oth­er hand, is forced to leave their home, busi­ness, and com­mu­ni­ty because of unfound­ed fears about Japan­ese Amer­i­can disloyalty. At the same time, the Cal­vo fam­i­ly is ter­ri­fied about the fate of Europe’s Jews, which ulti­mate­ly con­tributes to Marco’s con­vic­tion that he must help oth­ers fac­ing oppres­sion.

Archival family photos helped Tuininga draw the faces for his characters and visits to Seattle were crucial in re-creating the locations that he drew. A few key scenes between Papoo and his friend Sam Akiyama take place at the waterfront, where the two men companionably fish by the pier. It’s a nod to the real-life Marco Calvo, who owned the Ferry Dock Tavern in the Colman Dock ferry terminal building (a business also depicted in the book).

5 out of 5 stars.

Black is the Color

I loved the cover of this graphic novel and decided to get a copy. I wondered whether the comic strip panels inside would have some color or...