Friday, July 24, 2020

Mozart in Paris

This graphic biography covers the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart during the six months he lived in Paris with his mother when he was 22. While there, he worried alot about his father's expectations for him. Mozart taught piano, slept around and composed. He socialized with the wealthiest Parisians with hopes that he would receive commissions for musical scores. Of course, he was able to get some jobs but was disappointed with his reception by the Parisians. They preferred a different style of music.

There was something awkward about the writing and I can't put my finger on it. It made me lose interest quickly but I continued reading. It was originally written in French so perhaps there is a translation issue.  The drawings were unusual compared to other graphic novels that I have read. I was not able to find any information about the style of the drawings used and feel clueless here.

It is normally impossible for me to not like a graphic novel. However, this one did not click with me. 2 out of 5 stars.

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