Thursday, June 4, 2020

Brew Harder

Dan Dougherty's 2nd book in his Beardo series is Brew Harder. At this point Beardo, an art school graduate, has worked as a barista for 5 years.  He met his girlfriend at the coffee house and together with his  roommate all 3 of them live in Beardo's condo.  Struggling to make the mortgage payment with reduced hours at the coffeehouse, Beardo joins a cover band to earn a few extra bucks.  His girlfriend drops the not so occasional hint that she would like an engagement ring but Beardo has been resistant.  Or has he?  You will have to read the book to find out!

After reading The Art Degree Guarantee I knew that I would have to get the sequel.  Brew Harder does not disappoint.  It is hilarious.  From the wacky customers to the weird co-workers the characters provide a ton of humor. The comic strip panels are colorful which is always a plus for me. 

Beardo is my favorite comic book series to date!

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